GrabIt! for BookTrakker - Reprice                                                                        Index

  Reprice Tab. Used for comparing current prices to the competition and resetting your price based on a Price Formula in the Set Prices tab. All source prices are Amazon only.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Amazon only allows repricing of records with either a 10 digit ISBN or an ASIN beginning with a "B". 13 digit ISBN's will be ignored in the repricing process. This aspect of repricing against Amazon requires you to either modify your 13 digit ISBN's into the correct 10 digit ISBN that Amazon has listed in your account, or running CheckIt off the plugins button on the Online page in BookTrakker. CheckIt enables you to download the 10 digit ISBN's that Amazon has assigned to your records on Amazon. 

  Repricing requires that you have previously set up the Set Prices tab. 
  All data comes from Amazon's API - Application Programming Interface. 
  Warning: When you design and run the Hit List used for Reprice, be sure to click the red Hit List button at the top of BookTrakker to get out of it, then move to a record that is not on the Hit List. GrabIt! cannot Reprice a record that has the focus in BookTrakker. One way to assure that this does not happen is to close BookTrakker altogether.

Description of Reprice tab. 

1. Hit List. The records in BookTrakker you want to Reprice. This can be your entire inventory or selected records, it is all driven by Hit Lists. For an explanation of Hit Lists, click the Hit Lists tab on the left side of the Inventory screen in BookTrakker, then press F1 on your keyboard. 

2. Template. The current template in use. Select from a list of Templates which one you want to use that you have set up for repricing your books. If you haven't already done so, then click Template, create a new or modified Template, then goto Set Prices to set up your Pricing formula, which is also used for Repricing your books.

3. Description. Description of what the selected Template is supposed to do, limited by how you describe it. 

4. Reprice Books. Click this button to initiate the repricing process. GrabIt! will Execute the Hit List in BookTrakker, retrieve the records, then compare your prices against the Amazon database for the records selected by the Hit List. Repricing is always based on whatever you have set up in Set Prices for the Template you are currently using.  

5. Export to BT. Exports all accepted price changes to their respective price fields in BookTrakker, and if Set For Upload is checked on the BookTrakker tab, then BookTrakker is ready to upload these changes when you process your upload file.  

6. Clear Results. Clears the Results table of all repricing results so you can modify your pricing formula on the Set Prices tab, then run the Reprice process again. 

7. Clear Report. Clears results from the Reports tab for the ASIN or Reprice tabs.

8. Show Results. Click this button if you do not see results after running the Reprice operation. 

9. Ignore Books at or Below Minimum Price. Ignores any books in BookTrakker that are priced below the Minimum Price on the Set Prices tab. These records will not be included for repricing.

10. Price Change Limit. If percent is selected and a whole number is typed into the field that that limits any price changes to that number, plus or minus. So if 10 is typed in then prices in BookTrakker can move a maximum 10 percent either higher or lower than the current price. If Amount is selected then the price cannot be changed more than the amount in the field. 


Doing the Reprice process. 

1. Create and Name a Hit List of records you want to Reprice in BookTrakker. For an explanation of Hit Lists, click the Hit Lists tab on the left side of the Inventory screen in BookTrakker, then press F1 on your keyboard. 

2. Select this Hit List from the Hit List dropdown list on the Reprice tab. 

3. Click the Reprice Books button. A message will appear telling you how many records were retrieved from BookTrakker for repricing:


Click OK. 

4. Click OK to the message stating how many records were retrieved from BookTrakker for Repricing. 

When the repricing is done the results will be reported to the Reprice tab in the middle section, which is further divided into three sub tabs, Results, Offers and Report:


1. Results: 

This table reports on your new price and your old price from BookTrakker, plus SalesRank and other data. If you accept all changes then you click the Export to BT button on the Reprice tab. If there are changes you do not want to accept, then click the red Del button to the left of the record you do not want to export back into BookTrakker to delete it. You can also delete all results by clicking the Clear Results button on the Reprice tab.

  To the left of each Result is a dark blue button under the Amz header:
  Clicking this button will open up a small Amazon web page for this specific ASIN. To view the page full screen, or to enlarge it, either click on the square button at the upper right, or grab an the lower right corner and drag to a larger view:
  Once you have the page the size you want, as long as you continue within this session of GrabIt! the Amazon window will remain at the size you set it at. If you maximize to full screen you need to click on GrabIt! in the task bar below to return to GrabIt!.
  2. Offers. When you click the Offers tab what is displayed are all Offers (up to 15) associated with the  that points to the result:

At the top are five fields: 

A. Displays the number of offers found for the result out of total offers available.

B. Book ID in BookTrakker

C. Author

D. Title 

After Title is a navigation control that allows you to navigate between Results without having to switch back and forth between Results and Offers to change what is displayed. 

Below these five fields is a list view of all the Offers associated with the result, up to the limit set as Number of Offers on the Settings tab. They are sorted by price, low to high. In Version 1.0 you will be able to change the sort order. 

The information included in Offers is as follows: 

A. Seller Nickname. Who the seller is on Amazon. Amazon no longer publishes this information via their API.

B. Seller Rating. Percent range, 100% being the best there is, but even if the seller is 100%, it displays as 98-100%. 

C. Ratings. The number of feedback ratings that the seller has generated.

D. Condition. Same as Category on the Settings tab. Amazon no longer publishes this information via their API.

E. SubCondition. One of five possible conditions used by Amazon to describe condition.

F. ConditionNote. Seller’s Comments. Amazon no longer publishes this information via their API.

G. Formatted Price. The offering price for the seller’s listing.
  3. Report. Reports on what ASIN’s were rejected. ASIN’s can be rejected because they are not in the Amazon database, are incorrect, there are no Offers or they fail the Exclusion Formula on the Set Prices tab.


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