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Non-Existent Amazon Orders


The Problem:

Do you get orders on Amazon for books you never had, then have to cancel, running the risk of negative feedback? Or trying to explain to the customer what went wrong?

The Solution:

For sellers who want to clean up their listings on Amazon where the Author, Title, Publisher, Date or Binding is not the same as what they actually have and don't want to do this manually we have a solution that costs $100.00 plus the download/installation of BookTrakker, with no requirement to actually purchase or use BookTrakker beyond the 30 day trial. (You can print out any of the reports for use with other programs when the BookTrakker trial runs out. You can still import into BookTrakker and use CheckIt Pro to remove records from Amazon.)

It does require that you are able to import your data into BookTrakker with respect to the ASIN/ISBN, SKU and the required data fields, and set all records for Marketplace upload. Then create an export file to set the records for Online in BookTrakker without actually uploading them.

This method works best with Homebase 2.3 or any of the Interloc databases still in use, such as BookMaster 3, Record Manager or Bookmate where there is a specific field for ISBN only. You can also use it with a tab delimited import (no quotes) but one has to know a little bit more about importing records for tab files to work. We have instructions online.

Since you do not need complete data accuracy for this operation you can use the default import mapping to get the data into BookTrakker for Homebase 2.3 and the Interloc/Alibris programs.

After importing your data and setting records for Amazon when the question pops up after clicking Close, you restart BookTrakker. Then do File > Export > UIEE > Start to set the Online flags in BookTrakker so CheckIt can work with the database.

Click the Online button at the top, followed by the New Service button at the bottom. (If for some reason the Online button does not work contact us at the email address below) Where it says Select or Type in New Service click the dropdown and select your Amazon service. Amazon US MP, Amazon.ca MP or Amazon.co.uk MP. (Do not select one of the SC choices)

Click Next. Fill in your Amazon email and password, click finish. The new Amazon service will appear in the Service list above the New Service button, below Chrislands. You will see a check box to the left of the Amazon service name, check the box. This sets it as an Active service for uploads. (No uploads take place until you initiate one. BookTrakker uploads are not automatic, the user has to click a button first.)

Then click the dropdown button to the right of the plugins button at the top and select CheckIt. Wait for CheckIt to open. (might take as long as 45 seconds to open) When it does you want to click the Request Report button to post a request to Amazon for an Open Listings Lite report. Click OK and wait for the email notification from Amazon. Meanwhile, click the ISBNs check box under Option. When Amazon notifies you that the report is ready click the Download Report button.

Wait for the download to process.

Before purchasing CheckIt/CheckIt Pro you can do a dry run to see some of the benefits of this program.

CheckIt downloads the ASIN's and ISBN's that Amazon has assigned to your records on Amazon and replaces what you have in BookTrakker where they are different. This way your ASIN's/ISBN's match Amazon's data. After downloading the report you can click the Update ASINs button. In Free mode CheckIt will report on how many changes would be made if you purchased CheckIt for $50. Ditto for the other operations described in the User Guide button upper left corner.

For the purposes of this posting you can ignore that and move onto the operation to compare your bibliographical data with Amazon.

Click the Verify Data with CheckIt Pro button, upper right. This opens up CheckIt Pro. There are a few buttons at the bottom. Click the Match Control Panel button. When it opens change the Title count from 1 to 5, then click the Save button. Click OK. (You can read about CheckIt Pro by clicking the User Guide button lower right corner.)

To compare all of your Amazon data in BookTrakker click the Get Amazon Data button. This will start the process of downloading data specific to each ASIN or ISBN you have in your BookTrakker inventory file into the CheckIt database, and run a comparison between the records, looking for differences. In Free mode all it does it issue a report of how many are different, you have to purchase CheckIt Pro for $100 (Includes CheckIt) to find out which specific records are incorrect.

The process of downloading data and doing the comparison between records takes awhile. We process ~9 records per second on a broadband (Cable, DSL) connection. So for 6000 records it would take about 11 minutes to process. (You can reduce the number of records to process by doing a Hit List in BookTrakker, then selecting the Hit List on the CheckIt Pro control panel)

After the report is issued you can click the BT Orphans radio button in the BT Results Display frame to find out how many records in BookTrakker have ASIN's or ISBN's that don't even exist on Amazon. With the purchase of CheckIt Pro you can print out a list of these records so you can update your database. If you switch to using BookTrakker then CheckIt Pro can strip the ASIN's or ISBN's from BookTrakker and set the records for reupload to rematch against existing pages or create new product detail pages.
The example below is an abbreviated result (included but not shown in this image are Publisher, Date, Binding and Edition)  of what you can expect in the Amazon Mismatch report for mismatched records after you purchase and register CheckIt/CheckIt Pro:

A user would check the box to the left of the SKU to set the record for automatic deletion on Amazon, then after doing the same for all other incorrect records they would click the Fix Selected BT Records button to remove them from Amazon and set the records in BookTrakker for reupload, to either rematch or create a new product detail page. If the BookTrakker trial ran out then you would need to print the list of results before closing CheckIt Pro so you can fix the records in whatever program you are using.
Using CheckIt/CheckIt Pro can almost guarantee that a dealer is not going to sell a book they don't have.
There is no requirement for anyone to purchase BookTrakker if they want to clean up their Amazon data during the 30 day Trial period. Purchase of CheckIt/CheckIt Pro is required.


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Last Modified:  March 26, 2013