Hit Lists
Create a hit list to find Available books listed on Amazon Marketplace with International or Expedite checked, then uncheck International or Expedite

To create a Hit List to find books set for Available and listed on Amazon as International or Expedite,  these are the steps you would follow:
These instructions are for  very specific Hit Lists. You can modify the what you search for if you want different records to work with. You should backup your database before doing any Action Hit Lists if you are not familiar with them. 
1. Click on "Hit List" tab (2nd from bottom on left side of screen) 
2. Click New. A pop-up prompt window appears. Type in a name for this Hit List and enter it in the field next to "Name". Click OK to close the pop-up. 
3. The "Set Field Criteria" tab displays with your cursor positioned in the "Search Field" column. A drop-down button should be there; if it isn't, click anywhere inside the field to display it. 
4. In this first row in the "Search Field" column, click on the drop-down button & select "Status" from the list of choices. "AVAILABLE" appears automatically in the Search Criteria column. 
5. Click in the row/field below "Status" and select "Marketplace". It will default to "Yes" under Search Criteria.
6. Click in the row/field below "Marketplace" and select "International". It will default to "Yes" under Search Criteria.
7. Executing the Hit List will find all Available records on Amazon set for International shipping. Now you need to quantify just which records you want to work with if not all of them. If you just want to uncheck International for all Available/Marketplace records then go to Step 11. Otherwise:
8. Let's assume you want to qualify by Retail Price and Weight. Retail Price at or below $20 and Weight = 0. (0 is the default when Amazon does not have a weight, or you don't know what the Amazon weight is.)
9. Click in the row/field below "International" and select "Retail Price". Over on the right, under "Search Criteria" type in 20. To the right under "Search Criteria" change "Greater Than or Equal to" by clicking the dropdown and selecting "Less Than or Equal to". If you Execute this Hit List it will find all Available records on Amazon set for International shipping priced at $20 or less. If this is all you want then go onto Step 11. Otherwise:
10. Click in the row/field below "Retail Price" and select "Weight". Over on the right, under "Search Criteria" type in 0. To the right under "Search Criteria" change "Greater Than or Equal to" by clicking the dropdown and selecting "Less Than or Equal to".  If you Execute this Hit List it will find all Available records on Amazon set for International shipping priced at $20 or less with Weight equal to zero. (This Hit List does not find records where there is nothing in Weight at all. You may have to decide to err on the side of conservative and not qualify by Weight.) 
12. Click on "Hit List" tab (2nd from bottom on left side of screen) again.
13. Click the "Action" tab, upper right corner. (Underneath "Invert Results")
14. Click Amazon on the left. Over on the right side, under "Action" you should see "Amazon" and a blank dropdown List Box. Click the dropdown button and select "International". DO NOT CHECK THE Yes checkbox.
15. Click the "Execute" button. The hit List will start to process, then a message box will popup asking you if you want to change records. Click Yes.

The Hit List will finish processing.

What you have just done is unchecked International for all records qualified in your Hit List  These records will upload  next time you click Process and Upload Records or Process/Upload to Selected Service if uploading to Amazon only. (You have to select Amazon for this to work)


For Expedite, repeat steps 1-6 above, substituting Expedite for International. Then:

18. Click on "Hit List" tab (2nd from bottom on left side of screen) again.
19. Click the "Action" tab, upper right corner. (Underneath "Invert Results")
20. Click Amazon on the left. Over on the right side, under "Action" you should see "Amazon" and a blank dropdown List Box. Click the dropdown button and select "Expedite". 
21. Look below for Values (Long field with a dropdown button on the right side) Click the dropdown and select the top choice: None
22. Click the "Execute" button. The hit List will start to process, then a message box will popup asking you if you want to change records. Click Yes.

The Hit List will finish processing.

What you have just done is unchecked Expedite for all records qualified in your Hit List  These records will upload  next time you click Process and Upload Records or Process/Upload to Selected Service if uploading to Amazon only. (You have to select Amazon for this to work)

23 For UK and CA sellers repeat Steps 19-22, substituting Amz UK ship or Amz CA Ship for Expedite or International, and selecting the shipping option you want in Values, below. 

For UK or CA sellers to eliminate Expedited selling repeat Steps 19-23 to uncheck Expedite.

At present there is no method available to offer Expedite in the UK or CA independent of the US. If you sell on multiple sites its an either/or proposition. 

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Last Modified:  March 10, 2016