Hit Lists
Create a hit list to find records set for Upload the next time you click Process and Upload Records

To create a Hit List to find all of the books that have been set for Upload since the last upload, these are the steps you would follow:
1. Click on "Hit List" tab (2nd from bottom on left side of screen) 
2. Click on "New", then type Upload where it says Temporary List. click the OK button to accept the name.
3. The "Set Field Criteria" tab displays with your cursor positioned in the "Search Field" column. A drop-down button should be there; if it isn't, click anywhere inside the field to display it. 
4. Click the dropdown button and select Upload, near the top of the list. 
5. Over on the right under "Search Criteria" it should default to "Yes". 
6. Click the "Execute" button to the right of the "New" button.
7. You will see a message box popup with a spinning earth and the message: "Processing Records" 
8. When the records have been found you will be in "List View". At the bottom you will see on the navigation bar how many records are set for Upload the next time you click "Process and Upload Records" on the Online page.

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Last Modified:  March 09, 2013